Day 11 – 15 of a 33 Day Raw Food Detox

Things are still moving right along over here.  We are still learning and enjoying our new array of foods.  I purchased a julienne peeler which makes GREAT zucchini pasta.  For Father’s Day I gave Ben a bunch of kitchen gadgets, like a pineapple corer, an avocado slicer, some bamboo spoons and some salad tongs. I have a new appreciation for the likes of Williams Sonoma and Bed, Bath & Beyond.

Last week, Taffy and I ventured to Penzey’s, one of my very favorite places in the whole world.  I’m in the process of converting all of my spices to theirs.  When I started shopping at Penzey’s over a year ago, I just focused on the blends, and just the smallest jars.  I couldn’t imagine actually using the whole jar.  But as our kitchen prowess has increased so to has our use of spices!  Now I buy the great big bags and refill my little containers as necessary.

My favorite spices, ones I would recommend to everyone are: Tuscan Sunset (Italian blend, no salt), Greek Seasoning, Sandwich Sprinkle (Gracie’s favorite), Bold Taco Seasoning, Northwoods Seasoning, Arizona Dreaming, Pasta Sprinkle and Florida Seasoned Pepper (amazing on Salmon, if you like lemon).

One thing I have noticed on the diet is that the kitchen is nearly impossible to maintain!  We have run the dishwasher an unprecedented number of times in the last 2 weeks.  And still, it’s a mess.  I guess that’s just part of the game.

On the weight front, weight does seem like it’s coming off ever so slowly.  But better than pounds coming off, I’m noticing a big difference in muscle tone.  Like I actually see a little.  Crazy!  A few months ago, I purchased a body fat analyzer.  I got my fat analyzed at the gym, the freebie pressure session that comes with the membership…  and I was around 28%. ugh.  The analyzer I purchased gave me the same dim results, sometimes even heading up to 30%!  Now?  As of this morning – 22.5%.  And I took 3 readings just to sure I wasn’t dreaming! In fact, while the scales might not be moving, stuff is happening!  Saddle bags are diminishing.  wahoo!  According to the Body Fat Chart, I’m in the “fitness” level.  Me and the word “fit” or any derivative of that word have historically NOT gone together.  So THIS is an EXCITING development!

On the agenda today: scrape out the watermelon, puree and put into freezer pops for next week, harvest a young coconut for water, scrape the insides out for coconut whipping cream, peel a pineapple and pick up some fruits and veggies at Costco.