Winter Dreams

I just feel giddy with excitement about all of the fun things happening at Polka Dot Potato right now! There was so much energy and activity today, it just makes me happy. First, the Potato Bar is open! I LOVE the Potato Bar! And somehow the PDP designers manage to outdo themselves every time we […]

Winter Dreams

I just feel giddy with excitement about all of the fun things happening at Polka Dot Potato right now! There was so much energy and activity today, it just makes me happy. First, the Potato Bar is open! I LOVE the Potato Bar! And somehow the PDP designers manage to outdo themselves every time we […]

Wild Weekend

My wild weekend is coming to a close. Friday was a serious “me” day. I was totally feeling guilty about it…especially the part about dumping my four year old off at a friends house even though she had great big alligator tears in her eyes and was crying “Mommy don’t leave me!”… But Mama really, […]

Wild Weekend

My wild weekend is coming to a close. Friday was a serious “me” day. I was totally feeling guilty about it…especially the part about dumping my four year old off at a friends house even though she had great big alligator tears in her eyes and was crying “Mommy don’t leave me!”… But Mama really, […]

Friday FUN!

It’s 1 am and I’m scheduled to get up at 6. But with one too many cups of late night coffee and a really exciting day tomorrow, I just can’t sleep! I’ve had the most amazing realizations over the last week or so…things that I’ve known in the back of my head but are now […]

Blog Binge

Here it is…a mega post to catch up the last month of my life. My relaxing holiday season was anything but. With several store visits, 3 parties at my house, print jobs galore and my own handmade gifts to do for the family, things were kind of crazy! But it was really one of the […]