Happy belated Memorial Day! The long weekend went by way too fast. It was fun-filled but not too crazy.
Friday night, Nolen had an impromptu sleepover with two friends – Garrett & John. Ben took all of the boys and Ella to see Over the Hedge. We’d had some free movie coupons on the fridge for ages so it turned out to be a pretty affordable night. After Ella went to bed, the 3 boys played
the soundtrack to High School Musical, a disney channel original movie, and danced around the living room. I’m not sure Nolen was real keen about the dancing around but his friends were very entertained.
Side note – remember Kids Incorporated – 1984? What a great show that was:)
On Saturday we (*gasp*) got a babysitter and went to a party. My friend Jen celebrated her 34th birthday and the passing of her comps – the test she needed to pass to go forward with her Doctorate in Psychology. Several high school friends were there which made it really cool.
I find high school so completely amusing. After the party, I drove the babysitter home and boy did she have some drama going on in her life to share… and she’s just 14! She hadn’t even been born yet when we all graduated from high school. I think it’s funny how everything seemed so monumental back then. Why was that? Hormones? Boredom? Just plain immaturity? Whatever it was, I’m so glad those days are behind me. It’s fun to get to know people you knew in high school that you didn’t really know at all.
Sunday & Monday we mostly just worked. We’re still fine tuning our new website: www.polkadotpotato.com There’s so much I want to add but I’m really pleased about how it’s coming along.
Ok, just the other day my co-workers & I were “researching” Kids Inc websites. Did you know that the female from Black Eyed Peas was on the show? Stacey Furgeson! There’s a site that has the opening song from every year. What a riot!
OMG…. Kids Incorporated. I LOVED that show… wow.. I feel old now!