Tonight was our first ever “Girls’ night out”…Curious George and a trip to 1/2 Price Books.
We had a fantastic time! Ella was hilarious. She laughed out loud at the funny parts and insisted that I take her socks and shoes off half way through the movie. She ate the entire time – popcorn and a $4 bag of plain M & M’s. After the movie, we went to 1/2 Price Books, one of my FAVORITE places.
Unfortunately I didn’t get to look at anything – it was all about Ella tonight. She walked away with Curious George Visits the City, two Franklin books and a tummy ache she acquired during the movie. She hates having her pictures taken as you can see. Doesn’t she know how paparazzi-like I am? Of course she does – that’s why she hides her face. I’m scared of what age 16 will bring me…Right now Ella is singing from the top of her lungs in the bed. She’s totally wired from her soda and candy.
The movie was much more enjoyable than I expected. Lots of music from Jack Johnson which was nice. Big weekend ahead – lots of work to do, Nolen’s Valentine cards to work on, clothes shopping for the kids, grocery shopping, Olympics watching…
What great pictures! Ella’s so cute…
What great pictures! Ella’s so cute…
Ella is such a cutie! I don’t have any small ones to take to see Curios George but I want to go – LOL – especially for the Jack Johnson music!
I think it’s super that she wanted the books as well – good mom that you are!!
I can’t IMAGINE Ella having an opinion about something she wants!!! She’s developed a sense of humor already!