I met Greta in Vegas! Okay…call me a stalker…I don’t care. I totally get a kick out of this kind of stuff. I went to Vegas for Memory Trends and dragged my dad along for company. I taught a class on Sunday to store owners about making their stores “digital destinations” and then pretty much had Monday off.
We woke up, turned on the news, and realized that Greta Van Susteren’s “On the Record” was going to be filming that evening from the jail where OJ Simpson was locked up. So, why the heck not, right? You have to understand my dad too. When I was a kid and we heard siren’s in the vicinity of our house, my dad would get us to all jump in the car we we’d follow the sirens! We were total ambulance chasers…so this little stalking adventure was totally in the norm for us. Greta seemed a little cranky that I wanted my picture taken with her. But Jim Hammer, one of the members of her legal panel, couldn’t have been any nicer.
Look how silly I look inching my way into the screen at the last second of the show…watch over to the left…good times 🙂
Back to the real reason I was in Vegas…the show. It was a bit of sobering reality that the traditional scrapbooking industry is changing and changing fast. There wasn’t a lot to see or do at the show but I did have some great meetings and it was definitely worth my time and money to go. I’m even more excited than ever about the direction we are going with PDP!
Speaking of PDP, we just got through our shopping cart switch. There’s still so much to do so back to work I go! We start recording our online classes on Monday and our retailer program launches next week too! Stay tuned for more details! 🙂
Maybe she was cranky because she’s heard of your tendancy to follow super stars into the bathroom…..just a thought! 😉 🙂
Glad you had a good time in Vegas! 🙂
She’s just cranky because you look way cuter than her.
I’m cracking up that you inched your way into the background. If only your dad was infiltrating from the other side 🙂
Man she looks like a snot… Look how your leaning into her and she looks like she definately does not want anyone to touch her… haha!
You are crazy! lol
I miss seeing you!
Glad you had a good trip!
Oh my gosh!! PIMPLOL!! You are so hillarious!! Now whenever I watch the news I am going to be looking for you in the background!!
is this real or did you photoshop yourself into a pic of her?… i know you’re talented with the cut and paste… 🙂 ha.
How fun! Now I am curious about the rapid changes you noticed.
LOL you ARE such a stalker Ashley! At least you didn’t corner her in tbe bathroom this time!
lol, i agree with Amanda and Christine – you are a stalker! And at least it’s a step up from the restroom.
Glad the trip went well.