Wow! It’s been a crazy 6 month journey that has left me stronger, happier, more focused…better. And I’m finally ready to blog again! I officially lost my job January 1st and without an income to speak of, the ongoing expense of a 7,000 square foot space and an overall attitude of resentment…full of fear and anxiety…well…I just wasn’t in a good place. But God is faithful! And when I gave up and truly let God step in and take over, amazing things happened. I feel healed. We have enough work to keep us busy and enough money to get by. But what’s even more wonderful than meeting our financial needs is how we’ve grown as a family. For the first time in my life, I have my priorities right. And I feel it from my head to my toes. God first, family & others second, and everything else will fall into place.
I think there were several turning points during this time but one that really stands out is when this dear friend of mine (and she knows who she is) asked me if I could remember a time that I wasn’t stressed out. Well, I was stumped. There have been times when maybe I wasn’t as stressed out as other times…but completely not stressed? Probably not.
So I printed this scripture out and pasted it up on the fridge:
I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Matt 6:25
The last part grabs me…”who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” And they didn’t even have blood pressure monitors back then!
My friend who asked me about my stress history is the same person who really walked with me through this whole process…who prayed for me, and who really invested herself in my problems. She was an amazing example. And not only did she get me through it all but she showed me what I want to be for others. She was completely selfless, completely patient.
It’s great to be on the other side of my journey but I don’t want to forget where I’ve been. I don’t want to slide back into the stressed out, workaholic life I was living. My work is important. I get great joy out of growing the business and completing projects. But I have to remember that my Gracie is only 21 months old once in her life. And one day Ella won’t want me to play with her. And Nolen is at the precious, precious age – where we see a glimpse of the man he’s going to be one day. We need to be here for him…listening to him, directing him and nurturing him. His wife will thank us later.
So, this blog is going to be a mix – mostly personal fun stuff with a little Polka Dot Potato sprinkled on top. And I’m going to try and blog through my personal scrapbook pages. As usual I’m behind and I’m hoping that will help me catch up.
I’m focusing on the little details of life and just enjoying every second of the summer. Last Thursday we had a great evening together as a family. Sonic was giving away FREE root beer floats from 8 pm to midnight. So we all walked up to Sonic together and enjoyed our ice cream. Afterward, we walked to Target and grabbed some groceries. There was no room for the toilet paper so the girls used it as a great big pillow. It’s was a great night!
Here’s a two page spread that I just finished about the evening. I used one of Amanda’s awesome Photo Stacker templates. This one is from the 2pagers pack 1. I’m completely addicted to them. I used the Adorable Leonardo kit by Nandinha Menezes. I love the colors and there are so many papers and elements to choose from! She did a great job on this kit!