Whew! I’m tired just thinking about the last week. I got home from CHA last Wednesday night. The trip was long and I missed my fam terribly. But overall, it was a successful time in CA and I’m feeling quite optimistic about the direction of PDP but overwhelmed at the same time. So much to do! Internet access was scarce so I didn’t get near the work done that I wanted. That was the only real disappointment.
I went straight from travel mode to Valentine making mode when I got home. I walked in the house at 10pm and had 25 Valentine’s done for Nolen by 11pm. They were hardly the production that I usually make them but they got done, and that’s the important part. I also made it to Nolen’s class party but the whole event really made me sad. Nolen only got 12 Valentines and there’s 25 kids in his class. And one of his teachers declined his Valentine because she didn’t want the lollipop attached. These are the moments I feel most like a mom. I got a big lump in my throat and wanted to scream “you suck” at the top of my lungs. I know…real mature. Don’t worry – I refrained. Lucky for me Nolen handled it like a champ and it all just rolled off his back. He’s an incredible kid. And nothing gets him down. He’s so friendly and out-going. I’m really proud to be his mom.
When I was out of town, he emailed me. Does it get any better than this? He did the heart on his own, with no direction. So clever!
I’m ashamed to say that I did not take one pic at CHA. But Christine did! Thanks girl! I roomed with the awesome Debby Schuh and Christine Borgfeld came in for a couple of days. I also had a wonderful time visiting with Bobbie Wheeler, Cindy & Kristi (Scrapbook Dimensions) and Yvonne. And of course I totally enjoyed spending time with Patty – THE Digital Scrapbook Teacher! She also saved me from being computerless all week. Thanks!!!
Here’s a pic and me, Christine and Bobbie.
And here’s me in the CI booth.
Now, off to work – Tuesdays are sacred – I have just 5 hours without my girly girls.